Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Chick and the Duckling by Mirra Ginsburg

Naomi's first bookreportThe Chick and the Duckling are about a chick and a duckling. They are both hatched from an egg. The duckling says "I am going for a walk" the chick says "me too". The duckling said "I am digging a hole". "Me too" said the chick. The chick keeps copying the duckling and the duckling got annoyed. So the duckling decided to go for a swim, but he knew that chicks could not swim. But, the chick went with him and he almost drowned. The duckling came to the recue and he swam back up with the chick. The duckling wanted to go back for a swim, but the chick said "Not me". I liked this story because it was funny.